Unlock the power of Menopause without obsessing over food and hating your body!

When you’ve spent your life trying to shrink to fit in to the expectations of others, menopause is the time to say no and start living life on your own terms!


Empower yourself with

for women who are ready to start living

The Problem

  • The pressure on women to stay looking young, pretty, and thin has never been higher, these unattainable standards and leave you feeling exhausted and hating your body.

  • Perimenopause weight gain, unfamiliar symptoms and a rage that comes from nowhere leaves you tired, resentful and lost.

  • You hate the fact your clothes don’t fit but you’ve had decades of dieting experience and you know it doesn’t work.

  • Juggling a career, relationships, and caring responsibilities leaves you anxious and stressed

I’m here to show you how to flip the script!

This is a programme with a difference!

Stop hoping that body positivity will somehow rub off if you follow enough influencers on instagram - it wont!

MenoThrive is designed to take you through the deeper work that it takes to:

  • Take control of your health a way that doesn’t deplete you

  • Stop fearing weight gain and be able to fully trust yourself around food

  • Declutter that things that are holding you back from becoming who you want to be

  • Reject societies expectations of you and reclaim your time and money

  • Know your purpose in life, reconnect with yourself and take steps towards reclaiming your desires

I’ll show you how to untangle your mindset from believing you have to be smaller and replace this with a focus on true health, purpose and direction so you can truly thrive in menopause.

So you can ditch the body shame and feel confident through your menopause journey.

It’s life changing work, are you in?

When everything you’ve been trying isn’t working, its time for a new approach…

Stop struggling, start thriving!

What People Are Saying

“Before I started working with Tamsin I felt so anxious around food, it was either “good or “bad”, it’s been liberating to finally be able to eat foods I had banned for so long .”

- Fiona

“I was getting ready for a night out and the outfit I chose didn’t fit. Normally that would send me into a spin but I didn’t even care. I simply changed to a different outfit and fully enjoyed my night out.”

— Louise

“I feel excited for the future and I feel in control of my health again.”

— Debbie

“I threw my diet books in the bin, I couldn’t take them to the charity shop because I didn’t want anyone else to get sucked in to the complete lies of diet culture, so in the bin they went!”

— Fiona